Saturday, March 10, 2007

still good

last night, she didn't feel too well. So I just took the opportunity to be unselfish and offered to just rub her back and such until we fell asleep. I know it is strange for her, I have literally told her in the past that just naked cuddling and caressing gets me so turned on that I want to finish. Now I am asking her to let me do it just as an act of loving kindness without a need for reciprocation. She must be confused, I would be. Which does she believe? I guess my answer is go with what is happening now.

I told her I was doing a blog. She asked what was the name...."frustrated sub?" I didn't take offense, thought it was funny. She asked when she got to read it. I told her I wasn't sure. I don't know why I told her. I think ultimately I would love for her to post comments here also, seems like it would be a great way of communicating. I will wait and see how motivated she is to seeing it, not sure it will come up again, sometimes "out of site, out of mind."

I am happy, we are closer than ever before, I feel a real strong bond and I wish she would accept, use, exploit and understand my "servitude." She's working at it and that is good.

She had to go in for a few hours today, again, she looked real good!

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