Wednesday, July 11, 2007

moving on

Well, couple of days into it. Nothing dramatic, but it feels right. Other than an intimate time that was wonderful, there have not been any mountainous events where she has asserted and I have submitted. It is just that since she has agreed to be the Head, the "elephant" is now out of the room. We exist like we did before she accepted, just that now, with our roles defined, we are not posturing one way or the other, me especially. I know my role and she knows hers. I try to anticipate, if she chooses to exert herself, I am ready, if not, I don't pressure her. But with the common knowledge that our roles are clearly defined, it has taken alot of the FLR stress out of the equation.

It now just is what it is ....... and I like it and I think she does too.

1 comment:

whatevershesays said...

Congrats on finding a "happy place." As with any type of relationship, there will be ups and downs. Expect that.

Good luck.